Running an existing project on Google Colab

In the Deep Learning course I’m taking, I was describing how to run one of our projects on Google Colaboratory, when another student mentioned they’d been using Colab for over...

anycolor: a terminal-based search engine for color

I wrote this little toy application called anycolor, which lets you find the color of anything :)

Solarized Light theme for spotify-tui

I recently installed spotify-tui, a Spotify UI for the terminal, but most of the text was not visible in my terminal with the Solarized Light theme! As per the readme,...

Populating a Google Sheet with Goodreads data

Here’s an example of how you can use the Goodreads API with Google Sheets and Apps Script to automatically populate a sheet with book data based only on the book’s...

A simple, templatized web page with Google Sheets

In the past, I’ve used Google Sheets to display data from the Google Places API and to keep score in Jeopardy!. This post further explores the Google Sheets Apps Script...