Getting average motorcycle price across all Craigslist cities

Today I’m going to look at a motorcycle that’s for sale on Craigslist. The asking price for the bike seems fair, but I wanted to get a sense for what...


I just updated my resume – the latest version of it should be viewable here. For this iteration of resume-writing I decided to try out the open-source JSON Resume schema...

How to set SQL modes for MySQL in a CircleCI container

In circle.yml you can add comma-separated sql-modes to /etc/mysql/my.cnf and then restart the mysql service, e.g.: database: pre: - echo "[mysqld]" | sudo tee -a /etc/mysql/my.cnf - echo 'sql-mode="ALLOW_INVALID_DATES"' |...

OS X Setup Guide

Recently I got a new work laptop. Today I configured it and documented the process. If I make any changes to these instructions I’ll update them in this Gist. Update:...

Auto-incremented values can appear out of order if inserted in transactions

Last week I was surprised to learn that auto-incrementing field values in MySQL don't always necessarily appear in sorted order to clients. That is, it's possible for a count of...